What to expect on Sunday Morning
We’d love to have you join us! When visiting, you will find a warm and welcoming congregation who cares about others. Let’s face it: Coming to a church for the first time can be intimidating and even awkward. Below you will find a few tips that may be helpful.
We worship on Sundays at 9:00am and offer a vibrant, intimate, and authentic worship experience. In worship we sing praises to God, testify to how God is active in our lives and the world, pray for one another and the world, and in our sermons we explore the Story of God and God’s People together. If you can’t make it in person, live stream us every Sunday at 9:00am CT. If you missed us, check back there for recent sermons on demand.
The Story of God & God’s People: During the school year, we use a series of Bible readings called “The Narrative Lectionary”. This is a four year cycle of readings that takes us through the Biblical story each year, with each year focusing on a different Gospel as its root. As we journey through the Story of God and God’s People, we explore how individual stories fit into the over arching narrative, we look at hard stories that trouble us as well as beautiful ones that bless us, and we keep our sermons rooted in their context, but also look at what they have to say for us here and now. We hope you’ll join us on this wild and beautiful journey of entering into the Story of God and God’s People!
Where are you Located? We have recently relocated. Multiple factors led us to begin a new relationship with Spirit of Christ Community Lutheran Church, where we currently rent space. That address is…
5801 Minnetonka Blvd
St. Louis Park, MN 55416
Phone: 952-929-6725
Where Do I Enter? Park in the parking lot and look for the Sanctuary door on the side of the building nearest Minnetonka Blvd, and enter there. When the weather is nice, we’ll have those doors propped open. If worship has already started, don’t worry just walk right in. Yes the space and time is holy, but so are you! Just c’mon in.
What style of worship do you offer? We offer a simple, casual, authentic worship experience with a mix of some contemporary features and some more traditional features (though we resist the term “blended”!). The entire service is projected on a screen at all services, though we have responsive readings and song lyrics in the bulletin as well.
We also have a time for people to share what is on their heart, what God is doing among them, and any prayer requests they would like offered during our prayer time. Simply wave your hand during that time and someone will bring you a microphone. If you are online with us, you can text prayer requests to us (the number will be on the stream).
Communion is offered periodically, and all are welcome to partake, no matter your age, faith tradition, or sexual orientation, or gender identity. And in all services we believe you will experience a passionate, casual, authentic, Biblically based message which is relevant to your life and the world in which we live, work, learn, and play. Your kids are more than welcome to partake, and we leave that decision up parents/guardians.
What should I wear? We have no dress code – come as you are. Really. We mean it. Come as you are. You will see some dressed business casual here, and you will see some in shorts and t-shirts. We just want you to be you. And that goes for your kids too. Pastor Paul usually wears jeans, and dress shirt or sweater (sometimes a t-shirt), so, seriously, feel free to dress however is comfortable for you. If that’s shorts and flip-flops, great. If that’s a suit and tie, go for it. If it’s a gown with a cool hat, we are here for it. If it’s sweats and a hoodie, we’re here for that too. You be you.
What do I do with my kids? We have a nursery available year round during the service for kids who are preschool age and younger, although it is not currently staffed (we’re working on it). Families are also encouraged to worship together, as we believe that worship and the Christian Life is indeed a family affair! See our Faith at HOME and Devotions for Life resources on our Devotions page for resources to help you in your own faith formation as well as your family’s.
How Accessible Is Your Building? The Sanctuary door entrance has a ramp, so be sure to enter there. The bathrooms are on the lower level and as you enter the sanctuary from outside, and to your left is a small elevator to that level.
How Can I Become a Member of Aldersgate UMC? If you’ve been coming around Aldersgate UMC for a while and are interested in joining, fill out the form here and we’ll be in touch!
Staff Directory:
Pastor: Rev. Christy Key
Worship Coordinator & Music Director: Serena Steffenhagen
Handbell Director: Christina Herold
Financial Secretary: Yvonne Cherne
Office Administrator: Serena Steffenhagen